Sunday, May 21, 2006

It Begins...

Hi. I'm Chris and I'm writing a novel. This blog will be a place for me to vent, discuss, unload, express, cry, moan, whine, etc. It's a means for me to explore the hows and whys of my creative endeavor.

I should probably be upfront and admit that this won't be the most entertaining of blogs. There probably won't be any funny YouTube links here, or Paris Hilton jokes, or any of the usual junk. This site will only be humorous if you get a kick out of some overpriviliged American jerk whining about his inability to create. Which come to think of it, is pretty funny....

Anyway, this will probably only appeal to about six or seven people, max. I welcome your input and encourage you all to kick me in the ass every once in a while. I'm definitely gonna need it.